Friday, July 19, 2019

Top 5 Reasons (Part 1) you aren't building your pregnancy practice

Since creating the Premier Pregnancy Practice
in early 2018, I have spoken to hundreds & hundreds of chiropractors world wide and I've learned a lot about pregnancy practices all over the planet.

Here's what I discovered so far. Almost ALL of the doctors struggling in their pregnancy practices are struggling for the SAME five reasons and ALL of these reasons are a bunch of hooey!

Let me explain...

Every single doctor I spoke with this year complained about one of five different things in their way and couldn't see their way past that "thing". It's not their fault, no one ever showed them, but once I put on my captain obvious hat and pointed out the hooey...MAN, were they angry.

In no particular order, I'm going to point out the hooey AND I'm going to share with you how to delete that stinkin' thinkin' to help you to build, grow, and perfect your Premier Pregnancy Practice. No sales pitch. No strings attached. Just good old fashioned information to help you.

The first "reason" (I put "reason" in quotes because it's really not a reason at all. It's an illusion and needs to go.) is that many doctors believe that the midwives in their town ALREADY have a pregnancy care chiropractor to refer patients.

Here's why THAT "reason"is a bunch of hooey

  • Do ALL midwives ALL have one single doctor they will refer to? REALLY?
  • If yes (and it's never completely a yes) what about OTHER practitioners?
  • Doulas
  • Massage Therapists
  • OB/GYNs
  • Lactation consultants
  • Childbirth educators
  • Yoga instructors
  • yada yada yada - you get the idea.
  • What about getting to know the other pregnancy chiropractors in your town and be the overflow doctor? I have a waiting list 6 weeks long. If I have a patient that won't/can't wait to be seen by me, I refer to a nearby doctor that I KNOW can handle her. Capice?
  • Additionally, many chiropractors don't want to care for pregnant patients, offer your assistance here, too. Offer to manage another chiropractor's pregnant patient and dismiss their case once their postpartum care has ended.

See? A bunch of HOOEY!

Have a great day!

Want more help? Let's chat. Set up a free strategy session (in your time zone) here.

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