Friday, July 19, 2019

Top 5 Reasons (Part 1) you aren't building your pregnancy practice

Since creating the Premier Pregnancy Practice
in early 2018, I have spoken to hundreds & hundreds of chiropractors world wide and I've learned a lot about pregnancy practices all over the planet.

Here's what I discovered so far. Almost ALL of the doctors struggling in their pregnancy practices are struggling for the SAME five reasons and ALL of these reasons are a bunch of hooey!

Let me explain...

Every single doctor I spoke with this year complained about one of five different things in their way and couldn't see their way past that "thing". It's not their fault, no one ever showed them, but once I put on my captain obvious hat and pointed out the hooey...MAN, were they angry.

In no particular order, I'm going to point out the hooey AND I'm going to share with you how to delete that stinkin' thinkin' to help you to build, grow, and perfect your Premier Pregnancy Practice. No sales pitch. No strings attached. Just good old fashioned information to help you.

The first "reason" (I put "reason" in quotes because it's really not a reason at all. It's an illusion and needs to go.) is that many doctors believe that the midwives in their town ALREADY have a pregnancy care chiropractor to refer patients.

Here's why THAT "reason"is a bunch of hooey

  • Do ALL midwives ALL have one single doctor they will refer to? REALLY?
  • If yes (and it's never completely a yes) what about OTHER practitioners?
  • Doulas
  • Massage Therapists
  • OB/GYNs
  • Lactation consultants
  • Childbirth educators
  • Yoga instructors
  • yada yada yada - you get the idea.
  • What about getting to know the other pregnancy chiropractors in your town and be the overflow doctor? I have a waiting list 6 weeks long. If I have a patient that won't/can't wait to be seen by me, I refer to a nearby doctor that I KNOW can handle her. Capice?
  • Additionally, many chiropractors don't want to care for pregnant patients, offer your assistance here, too. Offer to manage another chiropractor's pregnant patient and dismiss their case once their postpartum care has ended.

See? A bunch of HOOEY!

Have a great day!

Want more help? Let's chat. Set up a free strategy session (in your time zone) here.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Building a Pregnancy Niche (Part 4 of 4)

Premier Pregnancy Practice

Building a Pregnancy Niche
Part 4 of 4

Have you ever watched an infomercial?  These mini-programs are pure marketing genius. Here's what I mean:

  • They ALL list benefits of the product. Sure they mention what this "thing" does, BUT they also tell you WHY & HOW this "thing" will improve your life.
  • They ALL include testimonials from real people - the host of the "show" talks bout benefits and feature and then, satisfied customers relate their own personal experience how how the "thing" benefited their lives. 

Infomercials are all EXACTLY the same for a reason.  Because they work.  Millions of dollars have been spent by these companies in market research.  Use their tools to work for you. 

I was watching about a cordless sweeper on day.  Of course they demonstrated it’s effectiveness on pet hair and paper clips.  But that’s not a benefit is it?  It’s supposed to suck things off of the floor. 

The benefit portion of the infomercial came when the old lady with crippling rheumatoid arthritis was able to maneuver this sweeper under chairs without moving them.  

When the toddler disassembled the handle to make it a hand held version of the same sweeper for the stairs, we got the idea that it was easy to use.

The mother or 4 was using it with one hand, while holding an infant in the other arm and talking on the phone.  She said, it’s so quite and easy to use…I love it!

You see these marketing geniuses are not telling you of the benefits of their own product.  Real, satisfied customers are telling you.  Of course the company paying for the ad will say it’s a great product…they want to sell it to you.  But when an unbiased 3rd party shares their views and comments, it is now more believable.  Get it?  

In your practice, your patient or an OB or Midwife might not necessarily take your word for it when you say you are very experienced with the special concerns of pregnant women…. but they will believe the women who have given you testimonials of their experiences in your office. 

If you need help in asking for testimonials and using them to showcase your pregnancy practice, let's chat. Book your free strategy session and figure this out! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

You have to be THE solution!

Doctors ask me all of the time when attempting to build a pregnancy practice, "Where do I start?" You start with OWNING the most common complaints that would bring a pregnant woman to your office. THAT's where you start.

This four minute video will tell you how. 

 Schedule a call

Want to build, grow and perfect your Pregnancy Practice? Let's get on a call to discuss your strategy. The first call is on me! Schedule now

Building a Pregnancy Niche (Part 3 of 4)

 Premier Pregnancy Practice

Building a Pregnancy Niche
Part 3 of 4
Cross Referral Relationships

Remember it is far better to market to people who ALSO market to pregnant women, than to simply market to the moms-to-be only.  You can reach MANY, MANY more expectant women this way and build your practice exponentially. 

Who should you target (for lack of a better word.)

  • Midwives in my area the midwives are generally very pro-chiropractic and very natural.  There are medical midwives out there who tend to shy away from the natural approach…so choose who you work with wisely.   Midwives are present for the entire active labor, delivery and immediate postpartum period. 

  • Doulas – Remember that there are 2 kinds of doulas.   Birth doulas and postpartum doulas.  Find a doula near you
    • The birth doulas helps mom cope with labor and make decisions while she is in labor.  Doulas are great especially when mom is using an OB because the doctor isn’t there until it’s time to push.  The doula can keep mom calm and comfortable and helps with meditation and relaxation, etc. 
    •  A postpartum doula helps after the baby is born.  They can live with the family or stay for hours at a time and provide assistance with baby care, mom care and often do cooking and cleaning so mom can recover and care for herself and baby. 
  • Childbirth educators – there are many childbirth classes available ALL over the place.  I generally focus on Bradley instructors as they are EXTREMELY pro-chiropractic.  You can locate a Bradley Method instructor in your phone book or online at .   or call 1-800-4-a-birth you may also look under the heading of The American Academy of Husband based childbirth. 
  •  Massage Therapists- there are many M.T.’s out there who claim to specialize in pregnancy and labor massage.  Go out and find them and start cross referring.
  •   Ob/Gyns - There are some OB’s out there who are very open to alternatives and some who aren’t.  Keep in mind that all certified nurse midwives must have an MD for a backup in case of emergencies.  These MDs are generally more open because they agree to work with midwives.  For me, the MD’s that worked with “my” midwives were extremely receptive and curious about us and even sent their wives to get adjusted.  The other thing to remember about MD’s is that they can charge more for a c-section than a vaginal birth.  Some doctors may not care if the baby turns or not based on finances alone.  Midwives, however, typically lose money if there needs to be a c-section because they have to share the insurance payment w/the surgeon. 
This list is by no means inclusive of ALL people with whom to start a cross referral relationship. We talk about this constantly in the Premier Pregnancy Practice. 

Do want to talk about how to start the conversation about a cross referral relationship? Book a free strategy session and let's figure this out!