Hi there,
I will be 38 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins Monday, 7/18 & have been referred to your website by Gail Tully from the spinning babies website. I am presently seeing a chiropractor who studied under Dr. Webster & have been receiving acupuncture as well as craniosacral & myfacial release massage at his office. He is doing symphysis pubis adjustments, but Baby A is still in the breech position. She flipped at 30 weeks & I believe is still in the complete breech position, bottom side closest to my pelvis. Baby B is head down, but not as low as Baby A, so my dr. believes that Baby A will engage 1st & thereby cause us to have a c-section.
We are holding off as long as we can as we have studied the Hypnobirthing technique & hired a doula for what we hoped would be a completely natural, drug-free birth. I am hoping that perhaps someone on your staff & my chiropractor or myself can work together to see if his techniques will be successful in getting Baby A to flip for us. The acupuncturist is working on both my kidney & bladder chi's as they were deficient just after she flipped. (a problem I also faced prior to becoming pregnant)
Anything you can do or recommend would be so greatly appreciated as our dr. has asked us to schedule a c-section for week 41 just in case. I'm not feeling like either baby has engaged yet, however I am fearful that this might be the last week I can try any manuevers due to space issues for the babies. I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this e- mail & am hopeful that Gail's recommendation will be exactly what I need to accomplish our intentions.
Have a most wonderful day!
Pam & Mark C.
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Hi Pam & Marc,
Thanks so much for contacting me. I appreciate your thoughtful e-mail. It is not unusual for one twin to be breech and the other vertex. For reasons of space in-utero, it makes perfect sense. Most often once the first baby is delivered, the second flips head down and is delivered shortly after the first. This may also happen in your case...as you stated depending on who engages first. But we have had cases where the twins have turned both in our office and in other docs' offices. It's a lot less likely because of the physical crowding, but our technique has worked on twins.
You are doing wonderful things by getting adjusted, pubic bone adjustments are vital. Craniosacral, myofascial release and acupuncture are also excellent! Congratulations on choosing such healthy and natural care for you and your babies. You may want to discuss the homeopathic remedy called pulsatilla with your chiro. It has been known to make a "stubborn" baby a little more cooperative. I have recommended it for several of my practice members with great success. But, since you are not my patient, I can't recommend it you for obvious reasons, but I do recommend that you discuss it with your doctors.
I recommend that your chiro e-mail me to get some information regarding my technique. Also be sure to forward the following link to an article I wrote for Today's chiropractic magazine. This article should give your doc the basics of what we do. It may offer some new info that could be implemented to help you out.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of further service to you. Good Luck with everything. I hope this information is helpful to you. Until next time....
Love & Gratitude
Dr. Karen Gardner
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