Friday, July 21, 2017

CASE STUDY - 35 weeks gestation with low back pain and a breech baby

Case History: 30 year old woman who is at 35 weeks gestation presents on 12/31/2008 with low back pain and a breech baby.  

The patient is pregnant for the 1st time.  She was referred to our office for care by her midwife.

In addition to the low back pain and breech presentation of her baby, described above, she is also complaining of recurring ear infections, sinus trouble and stomach trouble during this pregnancy.  With the exception of sinus trouble, her symptoms were not present prior to this pregnancy.   None of her current symptoms are interfering significantly with her activities of daily living.  

She is currently under the care of a midwife for this pregnancy.   She does not have any history of abdominal surgeries, uterine myomas or any other abnormalities, such as a bicornuate, septate, or unicornuate uterus,  that may be contributing to the breech presentation of the baby.  

She communicated the following automobile accident history:
At 21 years of age she was the driver involved in what she calls a minor fender bender that involved a front impact with another car.  She reported no symptoms and therefore received no medical attention for this accident.  

In 2003 she was involved in a rear-end collision on an interstate highway.  She was a passenger and was wearing a seatbelt at the time of impact.  She reported that she experienced mild stiffness that evening but again, did not seek any form of medical treatment for her symptoms.  

In 2007, she was involved in another minor fender bender as the driver.  The front impact collision again left her with residual soreness later in the day.  She reported no other injuries.  She did not receive any medical care for this accident.  

She communicated the following accident history:
In 2004, she reported a slip and fall at her place of employment.  She slipped on the wet floor and landed on the right side of her pelvis.  She was taken to the hospital for x-rays to rule out a possible fracture to her pelvis.  While in the hospital she was given pain killer s and muscle relaxers for her symptoms.  She does not recall the specific medications

I addition to her accidents, she reported having a long standing childhood history of ear infections.  She still suffers with them to this day and they have gotten worse during pregnancy.  

Her primary complaint of low back pain has been intermittent for year and had gradually progressed with her pregnancy.  It is reportedly worse in the afternoon.  She also reports soreness around her abdomen in the area of the round ligament attachment that is worse after walking her dog.  The stomach trouble or indigestion she is experiencing started during the second trimester and is getting worse as the bay gets bigger.  She mentions that it is now waking her up at night and describes it as heartburn.

This patient denies smoking.  She reportedly drinks one cup of tea and three diet soft drinks per day.  She reports that she eats a well-balanced diet.  She exercises on a regular basis; at least four to five times per week.  She claims to get at least eight hours of quality sleep per night.  
She is taking pre-natal vitamins and DHA as directed by her midwife.  The pre-natal supplements are not causing digestive distress that is sometimes common with this particular supplement.  She reported being unaware if her amniotic fluid levels were within normal limits.  

DHA stands for Docosahexaenoic acid. DHA is an omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that is a crucial building block for proper development of the nervous system, eyes, and brain.  Foods containing a significant amount of DHA, such as fatty fish, organ meats, and marine plants are not usually eaten with frequency.  Therefore, supplementation is the usual means of ingestion.  

Babies are dependent upon their mother's diet for DHA and other nutrients. Particularly in the third trimester of pregnancy, when baby's brain develops rapidly.  
Pre-natal DHA supplementation is a rather new development.  

Physical Examination –
A thorough examination of her lumbar and cervical spine was conducted due to her complaints of lower back pain, breech baby and ear infections.  Postural evaluation revealed a lumbar hyperlordosis most likely due to her advanced pregnancy.  

Cervical active range of motion was within normal limits with no noted pain or discomfort.  
Lumbar active range of motion was also within normal with no noted pain or discomfort.  

Palpation revealed taut and tender fibers in the lumbo sacral region bilaterally from L-3 through Sacrum and in the cervical region from Occiput to C7.  There was marked myospasm noted in the mid dorsal region from T4 through T9.  Palpatory tenderness was noted at the right sacroiliac joint.    
Deep Tendon Reflexes:  Biceps (C5\C6):  left: normal;  right: normal. Brachioradialis (C5\C6):  left: normal;  right: normal. Triceps (C7\C8):  left: normal;  right: normal. Patellar (L2\L4):  left: normal;  right: normal. Hamstrings (L4\L5):  left: normal;  right: normal. Achilles (S1\S2):  left: normal;  right: normal. Cranial Nerve Exam:  Myotome evaluation revealed no weakness in the  upper and lower extremity. Dermatome evaluation revealed no altered sensation to pin prick in the  upper and lower extremity.

Spinal analysis using muscle testing uncovered the following misalignments:
Posterior Sacrum on the right, superior pubic bone on the right, posterior T2, T-5 and T-6, and a C2 body right.  An anterior right trochanter was also found to be present.   

Prone leg checks uncovered a right short leg of ½ inch and a positive Derefield.  A left cervical syndrome was also noted.  Supine leg checks also uncovered a right short leg of ¼ inch.  

Using Basic Sacral Occipital analysis, the patient was found to be a Category II, right major.

All cervical orthopedic tests were found to be within normal limits.  The lumbar orthopedic tests that are not contraindicated during pregnancy, were also found to be within normal limits.   
A thermal spinal scan showed areas of mild to moderate thermal asymmetries in the cervical region from Atlas to C7.  Areas of severe thermal asymmetries were noted at L1.  Moderate thermal asymmetries were noted at L2, L4 and L5 which all correlate and support the initial exam findings.  

Care Plan
Based upon the patient’s history of traumas, weeks gestation of current pregnancy and presenting symptoms, the following care plan has be recommended:

Specific Prenatal Chiropractic spinal adjustments three to four times weekly until baby turns to the vertex position.  Once the baby turns one to two weekly adjustments is recommended until the birth of the baby to maintain the correction to the patient’s pelvis and to continue correction to the other areas involved.  A 6 week post-partum check up is also recommended to evaluate a continued need for care.  


This patient received her first chiropractic adjustment on December 31, 2008

C2 (BR) was adjusted on the right, manually, in the prone position as was T2, T5, T6.  A posterior right sacrum was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  A right superior pubic bone was adjusted with an instrument in the supine position.  There was no residual spasm noted in the round ligament after the adjustment therefore there was no need for correction.  

This patient received her second chiropractic adjustment on January 5, 2009.   Atlas (ASLP) was adjusted using toggle recoil technique.  T2 and T3 were adjusted in the prone position, manually.  A P-R sacrum was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  Left coccyx was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  After this adjustment, the patient reported experiencing a lot of fetal movement.  Increased fetal movement often indicates that the baby is trying to move into the vertex position.  

This patient received 3 adjustments each week for 3 additional weeks.  After her third visit, the patient visited her midwife.  By way of the Leopold maneuver, the midwife confirmed that the baby had turned from a breech position tot a transverse position by way of the Leopold maneuver.  On all of her subsequent visits she presented with virtually the same subluxation patterns.  Sacrum, superior pubic bone, anterior trochanter and residual round ligament spasm had to be adjusted on every visit.  After her first adjustment her complaint of heartburn was resolved.  

Re-evaluation and follow up

Two follow up thermal scans were performed on January 5, 2009 and January 7, 2009.  Each scan showed no marked improvement in any of the thermal asymmetries in the cervical and lumbo sacral regions.    The patient’s last adjustment before the birth of her baby was on January 19, 2009.  She was advised to take the homeopathic remedy, Aconite on that same visit.  Later that same day, the patient reported a marked increase in fetal movement.  After the Aconite on 1/19/09 she was scheduled to have an external cephalic version performed by her midwife on 1/20/09 which proved to be unsuccessful.  On January 26, 2009 the patient delivered her baby via c-section.


Aconite has been used successfully in women carrying a breech baby.  In addition to having a breech baby, many women who are good candidates for Aconite also exhibit a tight and firm abdomen.  Unrelenting round ligament spasm (not necessarily round ligament pain) is also common with these cases.  This was a very interesting case because the baby never moved past a transverse position.  The midwife noted while performing the version that it was almost as if the baby was getting stuck as it tried to move.  The fact that this patient’s thermal scans and patterns of subluxations did not change during the course of her care also indicated that there was may be other underlying causes of this breech presentation.  The patient reported during her follow up care in our office, that she was told her uterus was abnormally shaped and the baby was in fact “stuck in one spot” and couldn’t move.  When asked, she couldn’t elaborate any further on what exactly was meant by an abnormally shaped uterus.  She was told this could affect subsequent pregnancies.  

Want to build, grow and perfect your Pregnancy Practice? Let's get on a call to discuss your strategy. The first call is on me! Schedule now

Dr. Karen, just wanted to say wow...I've learned so much and I'm only into the 2nd module. This is the stuff we need to know in everyday practice! I could listen to you all day long!        ~ Dr. Katie Gelesko Stull

CASE STUDY - Backache of Pregnancy, Headaches and Dizziness

Case History: 32 year old woman presents on December 5, 2006 with backache of pregnancy and headaches.  She is 34 weeks gestation.

The patient is pregnant for the 3rd time.  

She is currently complaining of low back pain, water retention, dizziness and headaches with this pregnancy.  She also reported suffering from headaches, and back pain prior to this pregnancy.   None of her current symptoms are interfering with her activities of daily living.  

She is currently under the care of a midwife for this pregnancy.  She delivered her first baby in a hospital setting and the second in a birthing center.  She hopes to have another birthing center birth with this pregnancy.  Both previous babies were delivered vaginally.  

She communicated the following automobile accident history:
At age 16, she was a driver and was impacted at a 45 miles per hour on the driver’s side of the vehicle.  She reported she was wearing her seatbelt and that she sought no medical treatment as she had no immediate symptoms immediately following the accident.   

She communicated the following accident history:
She has been an avid water skier since childhood and has had many falls while performing this activity.  She reports to have at least one major fall each year that leaves her sore and achy.  The remainder of her history is unremarkable.

Her current complaint of low back pain started gradually.  She describes the pain as being intermittent and as a dull ache.  She reports her low back pain is worse in the morning and seems to be localized at the L5-S1 area.  She details that the pain is worse with lifting and bending.  Since she  is the mother of 2 small children who require her to bend and lift them, this pain is impacting her activities of daily living.  She further explains that she sometimes has pain in her feet and ankles although she denies it is radiating from her low back.  She reports that her feet and ankle pain are independent from her low back pain.

In addition to her headaches, she has intermittent shoulder pain on the left side.  The shoulder pain is concomitant with her headaches.  

She denies smoking. She reportedly drinks one to two cups of coffee per day as well as one to two cups of tea per day.  She reports that she eats a well-balanced diet.  She exercises on a regular basis; at least four to five times per week.  She claims to get at least eight hours of quality sleep per night.  She is taking pre-natal vitamins as directed by her midwife.  This supplement is not causing digestive distress that is sometimes common with this particular supplement.  

Physical Examination –

A thorough examination of her lumbar and cervical spines was conducted due to her chief complaint lower back pain and headaches.   Postural evaluation was within normal limits with the exception of a mild lumbar hyperlordosis most likely due to her advanced pregnancy.  
Cervical active range of motion was within normal limits with no noted pain or discomfort.  Lumbar active range of motion was also within normal limits with no noted pain or discomfort.  

Palpation revealed taut and tender fibers in the left trapezius and in the lumbo sacral region bilaterally from L5 through Sacrum.  Palpatory tenderness and spasm was noted bilaterally at the L5-S1 region.      
Deep Tendon Reflexes:  Biceps (C5\C6):  left: normal;  right: normal. Brachioradialis (C5\C6):  left: normal; right: normal. Triceps (C7\C8):  left: normal;  right: normal. Patellar (L2\L4):  left: normal; right: normal. Hamstrings (L4\L5):  left: normal;  right: normal. Achilles (S1\S2):  left: normal; right: normal. Cranial Nerve Exam:  Myotome evaluation revealed no weakness in the  upper and lower extremity. Dermatome evaluation revealed no altered sensation to pin prick in the upper and lower extremity.

Spinal analysis using muscle testing uncovered the following misalignments:
Posterior L5, Posterior L3  (PL)on the left, Posterior Sacrum on the right (P-R), Right PI Ilium, posterior T4 and T6 on the left, C7 body left, C2 body right, Posterior right occiput, and superior pubic bone on the left.  

Prone leg checks uncovered a left short leg of ½ inch and a positive Derefield.  Supine leg checks also uncovered a left short leg of ½ inch.  

Using Basic Sacral Occipital analysis, the patient was not found to be a Category.  

All cervical orthopedic tests were found to be within normal limits.  The lumbar orthopedic tests that are not contraindicated during pregnancy were also found to be within normal limits.  

A thermal spinal scan showed areas of severe thermal asymmetries in the cervical (specifically C2) and upper lumbar (specifically L1) regions which correlates and supports the initial exam findings and the patient’s presenting history and chief complaint.  

Care Plan
Based upon the patient’s history of traumas, previous pregnancies, weeks gestation of current pregnancy and presenting symptoms, the following care plan has be recommended:

Due to the acute level of this patient’s presenting symptom, specific Prenatal Chiropractic spinal adjustments are recommended two to three times weekly for at least three weeks for symptomatic relief.  Once relief is obtained, one to two weekly adjustments is recommended until the birth of the baby.  A 6 week post-partum check up is also recommended to evaluate a continued need for care.  


This patient received her first chiropractic adjustment on December 5, 2006.

Left occiput was adjusted using an occipital lift.  C2 (BL) was adjusted on the left, manually, in the prone position as was C7 and T6. L3 (PL) was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  A P-R sacrum and a Right PI ilium were also adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  

A posterior right trochanter was adjusted in the prone position with an instrument as well.  A superior left pubic bone was found and adjusted in the supine position, also with an instrument.  

Due to the 60 minute commute to our office from her home, this patient was not able to maintain our recommended care plan.  Therefore she received her second chiropractic adjustment one week later on December 12, 2006.   She reported a tremendous improvement in both of her chief complaints of low back pain and headaches. T1 was adjusted manually, in the prone position.  L3 (PL) was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  A posterior right trochanter was adjusted in the prone position with an instrument as well.  A superior left pubic bone was found and adjusted in the supine position, also with an instrument.  

Re-evaluation , discussion and follow up

This patient’s next adjustment was nearly two weeks later on December 28, 2006.  The exact same listings as her previous visit were noted and adjusted on this subsequent visit.  She hadn’t had any headaches since her first adjustment.  Her low back pain was starting to “flare up” again, however and was what brought her back for another adjustment.  

On each of her three visits in our office, this patient required adjustments to her right trochanter and her left pubic bone.   Both were done using an instrument as before.  Since the hormones relaxin and estrogen soften and relax ligaments, we have found that by using an instrument, we get much better results.  In my experience, low back pain of pregnancy almost always presents with pubic bone superiority.  Many times, but not always, there will also be a trochanter rotation.  When it appears it’s almost always anterior.  However, when a pregnant patient presents with Meralgia Paresthetica, there will definitely be an anterior trochanter rotation in nearly every instance.  

Even though she wasn’t able to adhere to the recommended care plan, she and many other pregnant patients, are able to obtain substantial symptomatic relief using pre-natal chiropractic care.  

Want to build, grow and perfect your Pregnancy Practice? Let's get on a call to discuss your strategy. The first call is on me! Schedule now

Dr. Karen, just wanted to say wow...I've learned so much and I'm only into the 2nd module. This is the stuff we need to know in everyday practice! I could listen to you all day long!        ~ Dr. Katie Gelesko Stull

CASE STUDY - Backache of Pregnancy, 1st time mom

Case History: 30 year old woman presents on April 20, 2006 with backache of pregnancy

The patient is pregnant for the 1st time.  

She is currently complaining of low back pain, water retention, neck pain, sinus trouble and headaches with this pregnancy.  She also reported suffering from headaches, sinus trouble and neck pain prior to this pregnancy.   None of her current symptoms are interfering with her activities of daily living.  

She is currently under the care of an OB/GYN for this pregnancy.   

She communicated the following automobile accident history:
At age 9, she was a passenger in the front seat of a car when it was impacted at a high rate of speed on that same side.  She suffered head trauma resulting in a concussion.  She was not hospitalized.  She also injured her right wrist in that accident.   

At age 13 she reports a notable impact to her coccyx.  She fell while running and landed on her coccyx which left visible bruising in the coccyx area.  She has had dysmenorrhea and irregular menstrual cycles for her entire menstrual history.   

Her current complaint of low back pain started suddenly the day before she was seen in our office.  She describes the pain as being intermittent but severe.  When it is at its worst, the pain brings tears to her eyes.  She details that the pain is worse with lifting and bending.  Since she teaches toddlers which require these motions, this pain is impacting her activities of daily living.  She further explains that the pain starts in her low back, radiates down her left thigh and into her leg.  Due to her pregnancy and her concern for her unborn baby, she has not utilized any other modalities to try and alleviate the symptoms and was subsequently referred to our office by her OB/GYN for evaluation.

She denies smoking. She reportedly drinks one cup of coffee per day.  She reports that she eats a well-balanced diet.  She exercises on a regular basis; at least four to five times per week.  She claims to get at least eight hours of quality sleep per night.  She is taking pre-natal vitamins as directed by her physician.  This supplement is not causing digestive distress that is sometimes common with this particular supplement.  

Physical Examination:

A thorough examination of her lumbar spine was conducted due to her chief complaint lower back pain and sciatic neuralgia.   Postural evaluation revealed was within normal limits with the exception of a slight antalgic lean to the left.

Cervical active range of motion was within normal limits with no noted pain or discomfort.  Lumbar active range of motion was within normal limits however pain was present at the left Sacroiliac joint during lumbar extension, lumbar right lateral flexion, lumber left rotation and lumbar right rotation.   
Palpation revealed taut and tender fibers in the lumbo sacral region bilaterally from L-3 through Sacrum.  Palpatory tenderness and spasm was noted at the left sacroiliac joint.    
Deep Tendon Reflexes:  Biceps (C5\C6):  left: normal;  right: normal. Brachioradialis (C5\C6):  left: normal; right: normal. Triceps (C7\C8):  left: normal;  right: normal. Patellar (L2\L4):  left: normal; right: normal. Hamstrings (L4\L5):  left: normal;  right: normal. Achilles (S1\S2):  left: normal; right: normal. Cranial Nerve Exam:  Myotome evaluation revealed no weakness in the  upper and lower extremity. Dermatome evaluation revealed no altered sensation to pin prick in the upper and lower extremity.

Spinal analysis using muscle testing uncovered the following misalignments:
Posterior L5  (PL)on the left, Sacral apex rotation to the left, posterior T-4 on the left, C4 body left and an anterior right trochanter.

Prone leg checks uncovered a right short leg of ¼ inch and a negative Derefield.  Therapy localization was negative.  Supine leg checks also uncovered a right short leg of ¼ inch.  

Using Basic Sacral Occipital analysis, the patient was found to be a Category II left Major.   

All cervical orthopedic tests were found to be within normal limits.  The lumbar orthopedic tests that are not contraindicated during pregnancy were also found to be within normal limits.  

A thermal spinal scan showed areas of severe thermal asymmetries in the cervical (specifically C2) and lower lumbar (specifically L5-S1) regions which correlates and supports the initial exam findings and the patient’s presenting history and chief complaint.  

Care Plan
Based upon the patient’s history of traumas, previous pregnancies, weeks gestation of current pregnancy and presenting symptoms, the following care plan has be recommended:

Due to the acute level of this patient’s presenting symptom, specific Prenatal Chiropractic spinal adjustments are recommended two to three times weekly for at least three weeks for symptomatic relief.  Once relief is obtained, one to two weekly adjustments is recommended until the birth of the baby.  A 6 week post-partum check up is also recommended to evaluate a continued need for care.  


This patient received her first chiropractic adjustment on April 20, 2006.

C2 (BL) was adjusted on the left, manually, in the prone position as was T4.  L5 (PL) was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  A Sacral Apex left was also adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  A posterior right trochanter was adjusted in the prone position with an instrument as well.  The patient was blocked a Cat II following basic SOT protocol.   

Due to the 75 minute commute to our office from her home, this patient was not able to maintain our recommended care plan.  Therefore she received her second chiropractic adjustment one week later on April 27, 2006.   She reported a tremendous improvement in her sciatic neuralgia.   Atlas (ASRP) was adjusted using toggle recoil technique.  C5 (BL) was adjusted on the left, manually, in the prone position as was T4.  L5 (PL) again, was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  A superior right pubic bone was adjusted in the supine position using and instrument.  A posterior right trochanter was adjusted in the prone position with an instrument as well.  The patient was no longer a Category II

Re-evaluation , discussion and follow up

This patient continued to be adjusted on a weekly basis until August 23, 2006.  On this last visit in our office, she had just come from her OB/GYN’s office and reported that she was 2 cm dilated.  

After the initial Cat II correction, she never returned to that category.  She continued to require adjustment to her right trochanter for the remainder of her pregnancy.  After adjusting her pubic bone on her third visit, she never required additional correction in that area until closer to her due date.  One month before her due date, the pubic bone misalignment showed up again and needed correcting on each subsequent visit.  Also to note, on every single visit she did need her sacrum adjusted.   

As with the previous case, this patient experience trauma to the coccyx.  Trauma to the coccyx almost always impacts a woman’s reproductive system in some way.  This patient suffered her whole menstrual history with dysmenorrhea and menstrual irregularity.  After the birth of her baby, she reported a more normal menstrual cycle with a lot less low back pain and uterine cramping.  It is not uncommon for the passage of the baby through the birth canal to provide some sort of “correction” to the apex anterior coccyx misalignment.  Many women will report relief of menstrual difficulties after they give birth.  Again, it is essential to take a thorough history of coccyx trauma in these cases.  

Want to build, grow and perfect your Pregnancy Practice? Let's get on a call to discuss your strategy. The first call is on me! Schedule now

Dr. Karen, just wanted to say wow...I've learned so much and I'm only into the 2nd module. This is the stuff we need to know in everyday practice! I could listen to you all day long!        ~ Dr. Katie Gelesko Stull

CASE STUDY - Breech Baby at 36 weeks

Case History:

39 year old woman presents with breech baby at 36 weeks gestation.

The patient is pregnant for the 2nd time.  She had suffered a miscarriage during the 5th week of her first pregnancy.  She was referred to our office for care by her midwife.

She is currently complaining of low back pain, water retention, carpal tunnel syndrome and sinus congestion during this pregnancy.  She also reported suffering from low back pain and neck pain prior to this pregnancy.   None of her current symptoms are interfering with her activities of daily living.  

She is currently under the care of a midwife for this pregnancy.   She does have a history of a uterine myoma measuring approximately 5 cm. in the lower right quadrant of her uterus.  The fibroid has not been removed surgically and she denies having any other abdominal surgeries.  Except for the myoma, her midwife reports this patient’s uterus is otherwise normal and is free from any other abnormalities, such as a bicornuate, septate,  or unicornuate uterus,  that may be contributing to the breech presentation of the baby.  

She communicated the following automobile accident history:
In 1984, she was a passenger in the back seat of a car when it was impacted at a high rate of speed on that same side.  She suffered head trauma and was hospitalized over night.  The head trauma included a concussion, broken front teeth and a fractured skull.  She could not describe which bones of her skull sustained the fracture(s).  

In 1989 she was involved in a minor fender bender as a passenger.  The driver side of the car she was traveling in was struck at approximately 30 mph.  Her right knee hit the dash board and she suffered pain and bruising as a result.  No other injuries were reported and she received no medical care for her injuries.

In 2000, she was involved in another minor fender bender as a passenger.  The driver side of the car she was traveling in was struck at approximately 30 mph.  She reported no injuries other than general aches and pains.  She did not receive any medical care for this accident.  

She communicated the following accident history:
In 1991, she reported a bicycle accident where the front tire of her bicycle slipped into a trolley track.  She then flipped over the handle bars of her bike and was then struck by the trolley car.  As a result she suffered upper back pain.  She sought medical care for this trauma and was prescribed muscle relaxers and massage therapy.  She reported some symptomatic relief using these treatments.  

She had two notable impacts to her coccyx.  Both impacts involved falling down a spiral staircase.  The first fall occurred in 1994 and the second fall occurred in 1995.  Both falls left visible bruising in the coccyx area.

Her current complaint of low back pain started gradually and can be traced back as far back as 1998.  She describes that it can be sharp at times at her right sacroiliac joint and that it does not radiate.  Standing for long periods exacerbates her symptoms.  Deep breathing and Yoga tend to relieve some of this discomfort.  This patient denies smoking.  She reportedly drinks one cup of coffee as well as one cup of tea per day.  She reports that she eats a well-balanced diet.  She exercises on a regular basis; at least four to five times per week.  She claims to get at least eight hours of quality sleep per night.  She is taking pre-natal vitamins as directed by her midwife.  This supplement is not causing digestive distress that is sometimes common with this particular supplement.  She reported being unaware if her amniotic fluid levels were within normal limits.  

Physical Examination –

A thorough examination of her lumbar and cervical spine was conducted due to her complaints of neck pain and lower back pain.   Postural evaluation revealed a lumbar hyperlordosis most likely due to her advanced pregnancy.  

Cervical active range of motion was within normal limits with no noted pain or discomfort.  Lumbar active range of motion was within normal limits however pain was present at the L5-S1 level during lumbar flexion, lumbar extension and lumbar right lateral flexion.  

Palpation revealed taut and tender fibers in the lumbo sacral region bilaterally from L-3 through Sacrum and in the cervical region from Occiput to C7.  Palpatory tenderness was noted at the right sacroiliac joint.    
Deep Tendon Reflexes:  Biceps (C5\C6):  left: normal;  right: normal. Brachioradialis (C5\C6):  left: normal;  right: normal. Triceps (C7\C8):  left: normal;  right: normal. Patellar (L2\L4):  left: normal;  right: normal. Hamstrings (L4\L5):  left: normal;  right: normal. Achilles (S1\S2):  left: normal;  right: normal. Cranial Nerve Exam:  Myotome evaluation revealed no weakness in the  upper and lower extremity. Dermatome evaluation revealed no altered sensation to pin prick in the  upper and lower extremity.

Spinal analysis using muscle testing uncovered the following misalignments:
Posterior coccyx on the right, Posterior Sacrum on the right, superior pubic bone on the right, posterior T-4 on the left, C2 body right and a left posterior occiput.

Prone leg checks uncovered a right short leg of ¼ inch and a negative Derefield.  Therapy localization indicated a left C2.  Supine leg checks also uncovered a left short leg of ¼ inch.  

Using Basic Sacral Occipital analysis, the patient was not found to be a Category II.    

All cervical orthopedic tests were found to be within normal limits.  The lumbar orthopedic tests that are not contraindicated during pregnancy were also found to be within normal limits with the exception of a positive Minor’s sign on the right and a bilaterally positive supported Adam’s test.

A thermal spinal scan showed areas of severe thermal asymmetries in the cervical (specifically C2 through C3) and lower lumbar (specifically lumbo-sacral) regions which correlates and supports the initial exam findings.  

Care Plan
Based upon the patient’s history of traumas, previous pregnancies, weeks gestation of current pregnancy and presenting symptoms, the following care plan has be recommended:

Specific Prenatal Chiropractic spinal adjustments three to four times weekly until baby turns itself into the vertex position.  Once the baby turns one to two weekly adjustments is recommended until the birth of the baby.  A 6 week post-partum check up is also recommended to evaluate a continued need for care.  


This patient received her first chiropractic adjustment on February 2, 2006.

A left posterior occiput was adjusted using an occipital lift; C2 (BL) was adjusted on the left, manually, in the prone position as was T9 and T3.  A Sacral Apex Right was adjusted using an instrument.  A posterior right coccyx was adjusted with an instrument as was a right superior pubic bone.  Light contact was held on the right round ligament until the residual spasm subsided.  

This patient received her second chiropractic adjustment on February 6, 2006.   Atlas (ASLP) was adjusted using toggle recoil technique.  T1 and T3 were adjusted in the prone position, manually.  A P-R sacrum was adjusted in the prone position using an instrument.  A superior right pubic bone was adjusted in the supine position using an instrument.  There was no residual spasm in the round ligament; therefore contacting the ligament was not necessary on this visit.  The day after this visit, the patient visited her midwife who confirmed the baby was in the vertex position by way of the Leopold maneuver.

Three more weekly adjustments were performed on this patient after the baby had turned to a vertex position to maintain correction and prevent reverting back to a breech position which has happened in other cases where continued care was terminated pre-maturely.   

Re-evaluation and follow up

The baby turned to a vertex position after the 2nd adjustment.  Therefore this patient returned once per week for the next 3 weeks for follow up chiropractic evaluation.  On each of these visits and right superior pubic bone was detected and corrected using an instrument.  After confirmation of the vertex baby, a recommendation of a pregnancy support belt was made to help alleviate the backache of pregnancy and to help maintain the pubic bone correction.  It’s very important to refrain from using a support belt while the baby is still in a breech position.  It is possible that the belt could further restrain the baby in utero and inhibit its ability to turn to a vertex position.  

A follow up thermal scan was performed on March 8, 2006 and showed that the previous severe thermal asymmetries in the cervical and lumbo sacral regions have improved and were described as normal to mild in nature.  


Prior to her first visit in our office, this patient was performing what she called a “breech tilt” exercise.  She further describes this exercise as “being on my back and elevating my pelvis approximately 20 inches for 10-15 minutes 2 or 3 times per day.  I use pillows and a deflated birthing ball to accomplish the position (I don’t have the recommended ironing board) but I find that this puts a lot of strain on the back of my neck.”  She was discouraged from continuing this exercise after her initial consultation as it was causing her pain.  

She reportedly slept on her right side which may or may not be contraindicated during pregnancy.  Since two of her major complaints involved water retention and carpal tunnel syndrome (also closely related to water retention issues) she was advised to only sleep on her left side.  By sleeping on the left side, the weight of the pregnant uterus is put on the rigid abdominal aorta.  When lying in the right lateral recumbent position,   pressure is exerted on the inferior vena cava.  The inferior vena cava is the route by which de-oxygenated blood from the lower half of the body returns to the heart. When the inferior vena cava is compressed it reduces the amount of blood that returns to the heart and reduces cardiac output .  Reduced cardiac output is dangerous to both the mother and the baby.  

Trauma to the coccyx almost always impacts a woman’s reproductive system in some way.  Many women with Dysmenorrhea or Menorrhagia are found to have a history of coccygeal trauma.  In many cases of breech or transverse presentation, a coccyx misalignment is very often present.  It is essential to take a thorough history of coccyx trauma in these cases.

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Dr. Karen, just wanted to say wow...I've learned so much and I'm only into the 2nd module. This is the stuff we need to know in everyday practice! I could listen to you all day long!        ~ Dr. Katie Gelesko Stull

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Dr. Karen, just wanted to say wow...I've learned so much and I'm only into the 2nd module. This is the stuff we need to know in everyday practice! I could listen to you all day long!        ~ Dr. Katie Gelesko Stull